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Writing Roles

2016 - Present


As an independent writer and editor, I partner with individuals, companies, and organizations to produce and edit professional content. I assist clients of diverse industries ranging from academia to non-profit organizations, policy analysts to start-ups, engineering to medicine, and more.

2022 - 2024


I work on the Vested Research Team reviewing and publishing data, developing PR strategies, facilitating research, and contributing to writing articles, white papers, and case studies for publication with academic, public, and private entities.

2019 - 2022


As an editorial assistant, I reviewed academic manuscripts for IAPSS’s two flagship academic, politically independent PoliSci journals. Politikon and Encuentro Latinoamericano are maintained by a detailed triple-blind editing process which consists of an initial evaluation by the editor and a blind review by at least two anonymous referees. 

2019 -2021


Within IAPSS, the PR Department curates content for a growing community of over 200,000 followers through diverse media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and YouTube). My tasks here involved drafting content for publication opportunities, online workshops, conference promotion, featured authors, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) enrollment calls, empirical research certification courses, vacancies within the organization, among other tasks. 



From its base in Popayán, Colombia, the human rights NGO Corporación Anne Frank assisted victims of armed conflict, human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and other abuses. They also conducted legal investigations for missing persons and to free trafficked persons. Within the organization, I worked on a two-person team with another volunteer journalist to co-publish a photojournalistic book called “Memoria y Corporaliad: de campos de batalla a recintos de paz” comprising portraits and interviews.  I also consolidated my fieldwork notes recorded from this project to produce the article, “Paramilitaries and Politics: Challenges and Opportunities to Political Pluralism in Colombia,” which I presented at the 2018 IPSA World Congress in Brisbane, Australia.



The Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) is an apolitical French non-profit and non-governmental organization. Its mission is to respond to emergencies, build disaster resilience, co-construct civil society and effective governance, and promote inclusive and sustainable growth. I interned onsite with this organization in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, through a partnership with America’s Unofficial Ambassadors (AUA). The Dushanbe branch focused on establishing sustainable watershed management practices in the Sugd, Murghab, BCC/Dushanbe, and Kahtlon areas of Tajikistan. In addition, I helped create  informational materials for distribution. I also edited internal business communications and documents intended for publication after they were translated from Russian to English.


Chestertown, Maryland USA


International Studies & Economics: 

The Near East & North Africa


Washington prides itself on being a writing-oriented institution. Most professors structured their course content to reinforce professional proficiency in writing and revision.


B.A. Thesis: “Laïcité and Laiklik: When Did the Comparability of Assertive Laicism in France and Turkey Dissolve?”


(*Presented at the IPSA World Congress in Poznań, Poland, published one year later).


Extracurricular: Women's Varsity Soccer

Ifrane, Morocco


Political Science 


As a spring semester study abroad student at Al Akhawayn University in Morocco, I studied political science and government. My course load emphasized national and international security analysis and assessment regarding extremism and terrorism.


Courses: Beginning Arabic 1, International Organizations, International Security, and North African Governments and Politics


Extracurricular: Rugby 7s

Istanbul, Turkey


International Relations:

Europe, Turkey, and the Middle East 


Grade: 4.0, Valedictorian


This program emphasizes bilateral and multilateral foreign policy analysis, particularly policy dilemmas affecting West Asia and Europe. Course content included (but was not limited to): theory, the political economy of globalization, migration and displacement, international trade, history of democracy, international law, and related topics.

M.A. Thesis: “Can Blockchain Improve Election Security?"


Extracurricular: TCLP-ARIT Scholarship nominee for intensive linguistic study (Turkish Language)


Feel free to contact me at for more information.


Writing & Editorial Solutions

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